Catching Up
Sorry guyz, so many things happened in this short span of 20 days so i haven't had time to blog. Anyway, just to summarize what happened:1) I've decided to transfer to my parent company as an administrative coordinator. It's bloody fun working there...the only regret is that i haven't met up with most of you guys this whole month.
Didn't go for the interview for Senior Officers in the end...sometimes, dreams do die i guess...but this time, i'm giving it up willingly. So it's more of a chapter closed, than an opportunity gone by...
2) I'm currently undergoing my DM training... the photos from the last trip to Dayang (2-4 June 2006) are below...
3) Had a hair cut, slight perm, a new pair of specs, change my motorola pebl to a nokia-something (dunno what's the model no.)
4) Contracted stomach flu on Mon and lost 3.5kg in the last 3 days. WOOT! No need to get on with the plan on exercising anymore! Excuses... but man, it was hell!
My director was around the last 2 weeks, so everyone was totally overworked. The earliest i've gotten home during that period was....2am! (that was the day he shooed me out of the office). But he's a damn sweet, funny and serious guy... never had a boss like him manz. And no, i do not have a crush on him for goodness sake!
Finally got my own office with a nice view of Wheelock place, but there are 3 golden turtles stacked up on one another guarding my back (some office fengshui matter), so not much privacy with 6 eyes staring at me. :( it feels weird...
YAWN! it's already 5am! I don't know if i should just head to the office or catch some rest... not tired enough to sleep, but not awake enough to last the whole day. Dilemma... and i'm HUNGRY!
ar well, i'll go figure that out while you guys enjoy the pics...
The Men

Not at our best in the morning...

Openwater Divers' (L: Alex, R: Jason)Graduation Drinks

Advanced Openwater Divers' (L: Adrian, R: Ben) Graduation Drink

Our very own La(4) Mei(4)

Accompanied by our Shuai(4) Ge(1)

Parting Photo...till the next trip!