Friday, September 22, 2006


woah, seems like i went missing...AGAIN...

Darn, everytime i seem as if i'm summarizing my month in every update i make.

I can't say things have been hectic, neither can i state that i'm simply cruising along... What have i been busy with?

1) Moving house
2) Looking for and finding a job (and now working)
3) Finding a place to move into temporarily
4) Doing housework (which is mostly just laundry) heh...
5) Diving
6) Spending time with derrick

Whew, i'm not complaing about how much time a relationship takes up coz it's really not that much time. Anyway, i don't have much to offer after taking time off for work, family and personal time....

But yeah, I'm with him almost everyday, so much so that i'm getting used to it. Haven't had any huge arguments yet, and i hope we still hold up... Perhaps no one can anticipate what comes out of a 2 person affair fully, yet it feels strangely uncomfortable not to be able to pre-empt 80% (such a high percentage!) of what will happen.

OH! i got myself a regulator! derrick wasn't too happy about this expenditure, but i still can't help it. Character flaw (P, sounds familiar?) The smell of it, the first breath i took from it, the memories of touching it....such enticement... :P

okiez, gotta go get housework done now... Have never hang clothes on bamboo poles and hang them out of the flat before, it's not as easy as it seems man. Makes me love my mommy hoo, i miss staying with my family...