Sunday, August 12, 2007

Trust Broken

Some matters occured this evening while i was on the way back from Malaysia and I was surprised how fast anger and disappointment consumed me this time round and it really put a bad note on the end of my Redang dive trip (will update this trip's photos soon when guppy send them to me).

I haven't been so pissed with someone in a long while coz well, mostly, i'm the ROC (Relac One Corner) sort...or he so often puts it, "unfeeling".

Along the drive back from Golden Mile...while trying to calm myself down, I tried to see things in his perspective and realized that being kind has never been an innate nature of his. *grin* It was my bad for taking all his kind and loving acts (which certainly didn't come easy) for granted umpteen times, assuming that's normal human nature.

It was definitely easy to trust him to carry out his promises in the past, and I guess it was a rather painful blow to realize that I've lost some parts of my trust in him along the way unknowingly.

As I was just moving things around my room earlier, the picture of us that I have yet to take down from my shelf stared back at me. We looked so ridiculously happy then... and for a few moments, I was brought back to those memories, smiling back at the people in the picture...wishing to hold on just a little more. But yes, don't worry, I snapped back to reality. :P

I've always thought that it was more painful when someone loses their trust in me rather than me losing my trust in someone. But I'm wrong again. The grieve is just about the same.

I guess these are the little things that you learn everyday that makes you stronger. The pain that forces you to grow up. But sometimes, it's just a lil harder than usual.


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