I miss him so

I miss the touch and feel of you...
I miss the way you relieve my frustration...
I miss your quiet companionship...
I miss the memories you brought to me...
I miss loving you the way i do...
I miss the journeys we've been together...
I miss how you pulled me through some bad times...
I miss going down break-neck speeds with you down the roads...
I miss the security you give me...
I miss you that outlet I've have in you when i need to escape...
I miss the times i've spent with you...
I'll be forever sorry that i gave you up, and the reason why i gave you up. I really did love you and i still do but no one really understands how much you meant to me.
Nobody will know how much I've fought to have you by my side, how much i've gone through to attain you... and how much it hurts to let you go.
And at a time like this, i miss you so much baby...i wish i can have you back at my side and have back the journeys i've had with you...
I'm a lil lost coz you were more a part of me than i imagined... and maybe that's one of the reasons why I don't feel complete anymore.
No one will be able to replace you.
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